Healthy Habits Benefits for Body

>> Healthy Habit Increase Brain and Memory

Your brain probably needs a cleanup.

Here are healthy habits worth picking up to keep your brain in its optimum shape:
The water habit. Drink a lot of water for a healthier you. Not only does this provide the body with all the liquid it needs to function optimally, water also feeds the brain because it helps the brain cells function at their best.

Sleeping in and taking naps. There are studies that show that sleeping in a little longer than normal during the weekends can have positive effects on the brain. This is said to rejuvenate the brain. The studies also link sleeping in sometimes to the brain's ability to learn and absorb information faster.

Taking naps during the day is also said to help keep your brain from feeling exhausted. The work habit. Although it is not good to overwork your brain, studies also show that not putting the brain to work can be just as detrimental. 

The brain is a powerful organ; it is created to function in amazing ways. It is good, therefore, to work, but just remember to keep it under control so your brain does not get exhausted too. Also, if you have retired from your job, it is still good to have a part-time project or job you can still work on to help keep the brain active.

The affirmations habit. Feed your mind with positive affirmations; these are like vitamins for your brain. Affirmations help keep your mind focused on positive thoughts such as goals and motivation. Positive affirmations like subliminal messages are also known to help improve memory and creativity.

This kind of lifestyle causes our memory to function improperly. Below are some healthy habits to improve our memory recall.

Exercising your brain regularly can help you improve your memory. You can exercise your brain by developing new mental skills such as learning to play an instrument, learning new language or playing brain puzzles such as crossword and Sudoku. Keep your brain active by doing these brain-stimulating activities several minutes per day.

Memory can also be improved by reducing stress. Constant exposure to stress can damage the brain and can weaken the memory. Corticosteroids may weaken the blood-brain barrier and can damage the memory center of the brain. New neuron formation is present in the brain; however, stress can stop it from happening.

Foods that we eat can affect not only our body but also our brain. Eating right can help in improving one's memory. Healthy diet means healthy brain. Eating foods rich in Omega 3 acids appear to promote healthy brain functioning. 

Eating 5 or 6 small meals instead of 3 full meals a day can help improve the function of the brain by limiting dips in blood sugar.

>> Healthy Habit to prevent Stress

Many people think of stress as unpleasant situations in their lives. Actually stress is our response to these situations, not the situations themselves.

Challenging life situations happen to all of us. Breathe slowly and deeply several times a day.
Breath is essential to life. This practice supports our healthy hydration. We lose fluid every day as part of our natural body processes. Virtually every biochemical reaction in our bodies requires adequate water. To function with optimum health drink pure water or herb tea and avoid caffeinated drinks.

Whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds nourish us with calories, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are vital for optimum health.

Allow yourself adequate deep sleep -- at least 7 hours per night.
Restful sleep is essential for maintaining health. 

Exercise regularly. It gives us energy. It helps reduce excess stress hormones. It builds strength and the ability to respond to challenging situations more easily.

Balance work and play.
Allowing time for play helps us recharge emotionally after we have worked hard. Play renews our spirits and enables us to meet the challenges of life more creatively so they feel less stressful.

Practice prayer and meditation daily.
This is essential to help us adapt to the challenges and situations we face. Kindness nourishes, soothes and heals our emotions. It reduces stressful feelings of isolation. Kindness connects us with the more beautiful aspects of life. It makes life worth living.

Discover your life purpose by asking yourself, "What helps me feel joy, or a sense of accomplishment?"
Purpose brings energy and clarity. Working toward our life purpose counteracts stress. There are many other effective natural stress relief techniques and habits. 

However these healthy habits help prevent stress by providing a strong basic foundation for energy and vitality.

>>Healthy Habits to Control Blood Pressure (Diabetes mellitus)
For many people today, keeping their blood sugar range within numbers that are satisfactory can be difficult. Many people find themselves dealing with diseases such as diabetes or hypoglycemia by taking prescription medication. 

Glucose is a sugar that the body uses for energy. We obtain glucose from the foods we eat such as carbohydrates, sweets and other foods. It is very vital to a healthy body. However, if the body does not manage it correctly it can result in issues such as diabetes or hypoglycemia. 

One of the best ways for a person to manage normal blood sugar range numbers is by eating a healthy diet. People who strive to stick to a diet that is balanced may find that this resolves many of the issues they have with their blood sugar levels. It limits intake of sweets and animal products.

Physical activity can be a big asset to anyone who is watching blood glucose levels. Exercise can help by using glucose as fuel for the body. 

By adding 30 minutes of walking a day, a person can experience big changes in their overall health. Sedentary lifestyles often sneak up on a person, just like those extra pounds around the middle.

>> Healthy Habits for Prevent Low Back Pain

Low back pain, otherwise known as lumbago is a very common symptom that can result from several underlying causes including bad posture, trauma or accident, infections, tumours and age-related degenerative changes of the spine. 

Furthermore, low back pain can be of a sudden onset following an accident or attempt to lift a heavy object. If you are presently experiencing low back pain, here are some beneficial health tips in treating or providing considerable relief from this condition:

Quit Smoking numerous studies have shown that smokers are more likely to suffer from low back pain than nonsmokers. Cigarette contains a substance, nicotine which disrupts blood supply to intervertebral discs of the spine leading to a crack or rupture of the discs. Indulge in Exercise 

Numerous evidences have revealed that stretching and strengthening exercises including Yoga often help to speed recovery from chronic low back pain by enhancing the flexibility and strength of the muscle groups that support the lower back. 

Similarly, studies have shown that low-impact aerobic exercises are good in maintaining the integrity of intervertebral discs. The implication of this is that if you are experiencing low back pain, you need to resist the temptation of confining yourself to prolonged bedrest or avoiding all forms of exercise.

When your bones are strong, the possibility of suffering from low back pain due to osteoporosis is ruled out. A study that was conducted in Finland discovered that individuals who experienced low back pain were more likely to have clogged the arteries supplying the spine. 

Furthermore, shortage of nutrient supply to the spine triggers inflammatory responses that may lead to back pain. In view of the foregoing, it's better to stick to a healthy diet of whole grains, proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits while avoiding excess caffeine and processed fatty diets.

Avoid Heavy Loads. The nature of the jobs a lot of people do is such that they often have to lift, pull or push heavy loads, all of which put a considerable strain on your spine and ultimately set the stage for lower back pain. High heels compel you to arch your back and this places a strain on your spinal muscles leading to avoidable back aches. At Lehigh University, 80% of low-back patients who were given lightweight, cushioned and flexible shoes experienced significant relief from their back pain.

>>Healthy Habits and Weight Lose Program

Well, a sound body creates a sound mind and a sound mind creates a successful individual, which is going to affect a society. 

Nowadays people are doing a number of things that they should not perform and must avoid to get healthy. Frankly speaking, we all love eating and we find absolute pleasure in eating our desired item especially fast food. 

Sometimes, we become extremely health conscious that we cross the limit of being healthy and being over-healthy. A bigger mistake people do during their weight loss program is that after/before any exercise or eating anything, they confirm their weight and hope to shred some pounds, which is not the right method at all.

Having dipping bread. Yes, eating fruits in excess can also sabotage our dream to shred weight from our body. Having smoothie for health purpose can also increase the weight as it contains sugar and contained with much of calories. Consumption of natural sugar

Utilizing red wine with the foodIt usually increases our hunger in a secretive manner and adds anti-oxidants in our body. A healthy diet is the one, which you can uphold for the life, hence keep on proper portions when we are eating them.

You are avoiding 'potato'. We mostly avoid white and especially 'potato' - one medium potato has more calories and potassium than two bananas, but we eat bananas more and avoid potato as we have the phobia that it will make us fat.

Eat when you feel hungry. Eating at regular intervals is a vital thing as it maintains the blood sugar levels. You 

Are consuming excess juice. It takes a number of fruits to fill 8 to 10 ounces of glass and it sums up the number of calories. However, the calories must be coming from a healthy source but having excess of that can stop the weight loss.

Desire for Salad. It is advantageous to eat salad for the health but consuming salad and adding toppings, nuts, avocado and chicken pieces, supersizing it, can increase the calories number to a big level. Cooking with olive oil

Being hardcore vegetarian. I must say, protein is an important source for weight loss as it helps to control our muscle mass. 

>>Healthy Habits go bad, when..

It is important to have healthy habits, but sometimes when we take our healthy habits to the extreme, we can turn our healthy habit into a very unhealthy one. When Healthy Habits Go Bad

Eating Too Much Healthy Food:
Everyone needs a healthy diet in order to function properly. However, sometimes healthy dieters take it to the extreme. They can either eat too much healthy food, resulting in weight gain. Furthermore, those who focus on only one food group, such as protein, miss out on the healthy balance from all foods.
If weight is the issue, eat one food from each food group in small portions, just more often. So, eat 6 small meals each day rather than  

Exercising Too Much:
Extreme exercising leads to physical pains and injuries, as well as psychological problems too.
It is not uncommon for a woman's menstrual cycle to stop with excessive exercise.

Tips on Healthy Living
Eat a well-balanced diet getting at least the minimum caloric intake
Stay away from unhealthy foods and drinks
Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants
Always opt for organic produce
Drink lots of water to remove toxins from the body
Exercise every day (even walking counts)
Balance is the key to a happy and healthy life. Rethink your habits and change what needs changing.

>>Bad Health Habits Effect
The reason could be your bad health habits.
It has many side effects on your health and the health of those around you. Smoking can cause lung cancer, complicate pregnancy, heart disease and many other diseases. If you love your life and want to live longer, stop smoking now.

Lack of physical exercise
Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances physical fitness and overall health. Frequent and regular physical exercises boost the immune system, and prevent heart diseases. Regular exercise also improves mental health, helps prevent depression and improves one's self esteem.

Alcohol Consumption
Even in moderation, alcohol damages brain and body cells. Excessive drinking can interrupt normal sleeping patterns resulting in insomnia and lack of sleep can lead to stress and anxiety.

Lack of Sleep
Some people suffer from chronic sleeping disorder and frequently experience disruption. Get immediate medical treatment if you already have serious sleep disorder to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Poor Diet
Basically junk foods are foods with little or no nutritional value at all. One harmful effect from eating junk food is lack of energy. Junk food can also cause heart diseases. Most junk foods are high in cholesterol it can damage your liver eventually.
Now you know the reality of bad health habits, it's all up to you on how you can live a healthy lifestyle and to live in a quality life.

>> Tips Succes Healthy Habits Resolution

Methods can be as simple as snapping a rubber band on your wrist, calling for support, counting, or taking a walk.
Focus on the end result: Remind yourself why the goal is so important and how it will feel once you achieve it. Picture success in your mind and really get into the feeling of it.

Create reminders: Write a letter to yourself, journal, or use another creative outlet to help you re-focus. Post notes, intentions, or pictures around your home or office. 4. Have a support system in place: Arrange support so that you have someone to call when the going gets rough. Set up accountability and report daily either to the world online or to an accountability partner.

Pain vs. Pleasure: We are designed to move away from pain and toward pleasure. Associate pain with giving in to temptation. Associate pleasure with your end result. 6. Focus on the positive: Keep your eyes on the prize. Your mind thinks in pictures and doesn't understand words like don't. Let your mind work for you in a positive way.

Choose something healthy to become your new habit and fill the void.

Be prepared with proactive behaviors: Create a list of things you can do when challenged in the moment and keep it on hand. Look for someone with a similar goal to partner up with. If you want to exercise, it might be an exercise buddy. Life Coaches or support groups are also good options.

Eliminate negative language: Pay attention to your thoughts and words. Inspire yourself: Read books and surround yourself with things that will keep you excited about your goal and believing in the possibility of success. 

Nurture yourself: If you are putting out extra effort to achieve a goal or eliminating something from your life, find a way to nurture and express love for yourself. Reward: Many people are motivated by having a big reward at the end. Trips, wardrobes, or new toys often work well. Track your progress visually: Use a graph, calendar, or other way to visually see your progress. Use it to get motivated about reaching the end goal.


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